No pain, no gain (or “No gain without pain”) is an exercise that promises greater value rewards for the price of hard and even painful work. Under this conception competitive professionals, such as athletes and artists, are required to endure pain (physical suffering) and stress (mental/emotional suffering) to achieve professional excellence. The phrase was first coined by Rabbi Ben Hei. Hei, as he stated, “According to the pain is the gain.” This is interpreted to be a spiritual lesson; without the pain in doing what God commands, there is no spiritual gain.
At Inzet, this is one of our foundational pillars. You need to look back in order to go forward with a healthy perspective. That is exactly what we do in Phase 1 of our Inzet to Purpose Programs. We focus on the past and what has worked and what has not and essentially, what has gotten you where you are today. So much of our current day identity is birthed out of pain, but when we continue to live in that pain, we often make decisions based on fear and not purpose. Our goal in looking back is not to “park” there, but to allow participants to recognize how their identity has been shaped in order to assess that identity, and reframe the narrative in order to move forward with purpose as the driving force, NOT trauma and pain.