Brett Lesher is the Founder of Staff Fellowship, that exists to unify public school staff around the Gospel by establishing weekly staff Bible studies within individual schools and other offices affiliated with Loudoun County Public Schools. They intentionally raise up and equip school staff members with resources to effectively lead their colleagues in studying the Bible and praying together. STAFFF believes the public school system is the most influential community impacting families and students today, second to the local church. Those who prioritize the Gospel have the most influence to directly transform the culture from fear and anxiety, to truth and hope found in Jesus Christ.
Brett is passionate about the culture of public education, and all who are connected. He graduated from Loudoun Valley High School in Purcellville, and went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in communications from Liberty University and a master’s in educational counseling from Lynchburg College. During his career as a counselor within Loudoun County Public Schools, he launched faculty Bible studies within each of the schools he worked. Through those experiences, he formed relationships with other staff members eager to read the Gospel aloud and pray for the specific needs impacting their campuses. Brett recognized that many faculty around the county were eager to connect in similar ways. As a result, he took a leap of faith to leave his full-time position to create STAFF Fellowship Inc.